Types of Treadmill Belts | Choose the Right Belt

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When choosing a treadmill, choosing the right types of treadmill belts can significantly impact your workout’s overall experience and effectiveness. The treadmill belt is critical to providing support and cushioning while you walk or run, making it essential for a comfortable and safe workout experience. 

Several types of treadmill belts are available on the market, each offering unique features and advantages. Whether you are a casual jogger or a serious runner, it is essential to understand the different types of treadmill belts to make an informed decision.

The right treadmill belt is crucial for a comfortable and safe workout experience. This article will explore the different types of treadmill belts, their features, and how to maintain them for optimal performance.



What is Treadmill belt?

The treadmill belt, also known as the conveyor belt or running belt, is a crucial component among treadmill parts of any treadmill machine. This continuous loop of material allows users to walk, jog, or run on the machine’s surface without moving forward. It provides a comfortable and cushioned surface that absorbs the impact of each step, reducing strain on joints and minimizing the risk of injuries.


Types of treadmill belts: The essential variety of treadmill belts


Various types of treadmill belts are available on the market, each with unique characteristics.


The most common types of treadmill belts include:

  1. Standard Belt: 

This is the primary type of treadmill belt that comes with most entry-level machines. It is typically made of a single layer of PVC or rubber material and offers a simple, smooth surface for walking or jogging. While it may provide less cushioning or durability than other types, it is suitable for light to moderate use.

  1. Cushioning Belt: 

As the name suggests, this type of treadmill belt is designed to provide extra cushioning and shock absorption. It often consists of multiple layers of foam, rubber, or gel materials that give a softer and more comfortable surface to run on. This helps reduce the impact on joints and muscles, making it ideal for individuals with joint or knee issues.

  1. Commercial Grade Belt: 

This type of treadmill belt is designed for heavy use in gyms or fitness centers. It is made of higher quality, durable, and longer-lasting materials than standard belts. Commercial-grade belts often have reinforced layers of fabric or rubber, making them resistant to wear and tear. They are broader and thicker than traditional belts, providing a more stable and secure surface for intense workouts.

  1. Anti-Static Treadmill Belt: 

An anti-static treadmill belt is specially designed to reduce static electricity build-up during your workout. This belt type is typically made from materials with anti-static properties, such as carbon fiber or special coatings. An anti-static treadmill belt helps prevent static shocks while using the treadmill, which can be uncomfortable and potentially dangerous.

  1. Heat-Resistant Treadmill Belt: 

If you plan on using your treadmill for intense workouts or extended periods, a heat-resistant treadmill belt is a great option. These belts are made from materials that can withstand high temperatures and prolonged use without degrading or warping. Heat-resistant treadmill belts are essential for commercial gyms or fitness centers where multiple users may use the treadmill throughout the day.

  1. Silent Treadmill Belt: 

A silent treadmill belt may be the right choice if you prefer a quiet workout environment. These belts are designed to minimize noise and vibration during your workout, providing a more peaceful exercise experience. Silent treadmill belts are often made with unique materials or coatings that reduce friction and dampen sound.

  1. Maintenance-Free Treadmill Belt: 

One of the drawbacks of traditional treadmill belts is that they require regular lubrication to maintain smooth and efficient operation. However, maintenance-free treadmill belts have been developed to eliminate the need for lubrication. 

These belts are typically made with self-lubricating materials or have built-in lubrication systems that automatically distribute lubricant as needed. Maintenance-free treadmill belts offer convenience and save you time and effort in maintaining your treadmill.


Types of Treadmill Belts according to Thickness:


Treadmill belts often consist of multiple layers of long-lasting compounds. The Thickness of treadmill belts is commonly expressed in plies, representing the belt’s number of layers. 


  1. Single-ply treadmill belt: 

One layer of solid rubber makes up a single-ply treadmill belt. They provide minimum cushioning and joint stress impact reduction. On average, they are economical and have a shorter lifespan than 2-ply belts. For moderate running and walking, these belts are best.

  1. 2-ply treadmill belt: 

A 2-ply belt is a high-quality thick belt & suitable for commercial use. These belts have low-stretch features to facilitate tracking and fitting. The upper running side of this belt is rubber, and the lower side is cotton, polyester, urethane, or mono-filament with an undercoating. The 2-ply treadmill belts have a sturdy and highly flexible composition. They reduce energy consumption and are ideal for strenuous exercise.

  1. 3-ply treadmill belt: 

Three layers of padding make up 3-ply treadmill belts longer-lasting than 2-ply belts. They provide more stability and support, especially for heavy-duty use. 3-ply treadmill belts can be ideal if you prefer a softer running surface!

  1. 4-ply treadmill belt: 

4-ply treadmill belt is the most durable and shock-absorbing belt. These types of belts are often appeared on the most costly treadmills. They are great for heavy workouts & frequent use in commercial environments.

A 3-ply or 4-ply belt is made of the same material, but a 4-ply belt adds an extra layer for more heat absorption, padding, and dissipation.

However, a 1/2-ply belt puts less pressure on the motor and demands little maintenance. On the other hand,3/4 ply belts are heavier and involve extra maintenance and cost.


Types of treadmill belts according to materials used:


  1. PVC Treadmill Belt:

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) belts are among the most common types in entry-level treadmills. They are affordable and provide basic functionality. PVC belts offer moderate cushioning and durability, making them suitable for light to moderate use. However, they may not be ideal for intense workouts or heavy runners as they have less shock absorption than other belts.

  1. Urethane Treadmill Belt:

Urethane belts are known for their durability and long lifespan. They are made from a high-quality synthetic material that can withstand heavy use and provide excellent shock absorption. Urethane belts offer a smoother and quieter running surface, making them popular among severe runners and athletes. They also require less maintenance compared to PVC belts.

  1. Silicone Treadmill Belt:

Silicone belts are known for their superior cushioning and shock absorption properties. They provide a comfortable and smooth running experience, reducing the stress on joints and minimizing the risk of injury. Silicone belts are more expensive than PVC or urethane belts, but they are worth the investment for those who prioritize comfort and safety during their workouts.

  1. Woven Treadmill Belt:

Woven belts are made from multiple layers of fabric, typically nylon or polyester. These belts offer excellent durability and can withstand heavy use over a long period. They also provide good shock absorption and have a non-slip surface, making them suitable for intense workouts and high-speed running. Woven belts are often found in commercial-grade treadmills or those designed for professional athletes.

  1. Hybrid Treadmill Belt:

Hybrid belts combine different materials to balance durability, cushioning, and performance. These belts may have a combination of PVC, urethane, silicone, or woven materials to offer the best of each type. Hybrid belts are versatile and can cater to various workout needs, making them popular for fitness enthusiasts who want a well-rounded treadmill belt.


Specially designed treadmill belts:


  1. Orthopedic treadmill belt:

The orthopedic treadmill belt is designed with extra cushioning to provide maximum shock absorption and support for individuals with joint pain or injuries. It helps reduce the stress on joints, such as knees and ankles, making it an excellent choice for individuals with arthritis, tendonitis, or other orthopedic issues. The extra cushioning helps absorb the impact of each step, providing a more comfortable and supportive workout.

  1. Anti-gravity treadmill belt:

The anti-gravity treadmill belt uses advanced technology to reduce the user’s body weight by creating an air pressure chamber around the lower body. This belt type is particularly beneficial for individuals with weight-bearing restrictions, such as those recovering from surgery or suffering from conditions like osteoporosis or joint inflammation. By reducing the impact on joints and bones, the anti-gravity treadmill belt allows individuals to exercise with less pain and discomfort.

  1. Rehabilitation treadmill belt:

The rehabilitation treadmill belt is designed for individuals undergoing physical therapy or rehabilitation programs. It features a wider surface area and lower speed settings, allowing for a more controlled and gradual exercise progression. This belt is ideal for recovering from surgeries, accidents, or strokes, as it provides a safe and supportive environment to aid recovery. It allows for targeted exercises and helps improve balance, coordination, and mobility.

  1. Running treadmill belt:

The running treadmill belt is designed for individuals who want to improve their running performance and endurance. It is broader and more prolonged than standard treadmill belts, providing a more spacious and comfortable running surface. The running belt is often equipped with shock absorption or incline settings to simulate outdoor conditions and challenge the user’s cardiovascular system. This belt type suits individuals training for marathons or races or looking to enhance their running abilities.

  1. Weight loss treadmill belt:

The weight loss treadmill belt is designed to help individuals in their weight loss journey. It focuses on providing a high-intensity workout that promotes calorie burning and fat loss. These belts often come with features such as incline settings or interval training programs to maximize the intensity of the exercise. By increasing the heart rate and challenging the cardiovascular system, this belt type can aid in weight loss and improve overall fitness levels.


How to Find the Right Treadmill Belt for Your Treadmill: 

Finding the ideal treadmill belt can vary on your choices, plus the particular treadmill brand. You should analyze the following factors when choosing a treadmill belt:

Type of Workout: 

Using a two-ply belt is a good idea if you intend to use the treadmill for jogging or intense exercise. Using a single-ply belt can be fine whether you’re just walking or light jogging.

Treadmill Type: 

Belt sizes vary depending on the type of treadmill. For instance, the belt for an electric treadmill needs to be larger than a manual treadmill. So, focus on your treadmill’s brand, model, and serial number for a safe and satisfying workout.

Motor Power: 

Another factor to consider when selecting a belt size is the treadmill’s motor power. You have to utilize a stronger belt for a powerful motor. Besides that, you should analyze the motor’s continuous horsepower (CHP) according to your walking speed and weight. As an example, if your weight is between 70 and 90 kg, a good starting point can be the following:

  • For walking: minimum 2.0 CHP 
  • For jogging: minimum 2.5 CHP
  • For running: minimum 3.0 CHP

Belt Size: 

Ensuring the proper fit of the treadmill belt is essential for minimal impact on your knees and joints. So, analyze the type and size of the belt for your treadmill. Because a slight discrepancy can cause your treadmill to malfunction or slip. 

User Size and Weight: 

User size and weight also play a vital role in determining the correct belt size. A large belt for a heavier user and a narrower belt for a shorter user will be advantageous. That means if you’re taller than 6 feet, you’ll need at least a 52” belt for walking and a 54” belt for running.

Determine the belt length: 

For short steps, you’ll require a small belt, and for long moves, a large belt. As example, at least 48 inches long and 18 inches wide belt will be suitable for running.

Treadmill Belt Size Chart according to Treadmill Type:

    Treadmill Type Belt Size (Width x Length) Suitable Usage Special Features
Home Treadmills 18″ – 22″ Width  48″ – 60″ Length For regular home use and moderate running Foldable, shock absorption
Commercial Treadmills 20″ – 22″ Width x 60″ – 63″ Length For heavy-duty use in gyms and high-intensity workouts Heavy-duty motor, incline options
Compact/Foldable Treadmill 14″ – 18″ Width x 45″ – 55″ Length For space-saving, light workouts, and walking Space-saving design, lightweight


Treadmill belts chart based on user and exercise preferences:

User Height Exercise Type Minimum Belt Size
5.9” or shorter Walking 6” x +-45”
5.10” or taller Walking 20” x +-50”
5.9” or shorter Running 20” x 55”
5.10” or taller Running 20” x 60”



The price of a treadmill belt varies depending on size, thickness, and material. Single-ply belts are generally less expensive than two-ply belts, and PVC belts are the most affordable option. Silicone and urethane belts are more expensive but will provide more extensive workout. So, you should choose a walking belt according to the intensity and endurance level of your walking.

Measure your stride length: 

The length of your phase will also affect the size of the belt you need. If you intend to use your treadmill for walking or light jogging, a single-ply belt can be sufficient.

Similarly, a two-ply belt is preferable for improved stability and comfort for running or intense workout enthusiasts. 

If you are still determining your stride length, measure the distance between your heel strikes while walking or running.


Adding extra layers increases belt durability, stability, and cushioning. A two or three ply belt will be stronger than a single ply belt made of the same material.

Noise Level: 

The noise level of the belt is another factor to consider. Whereas monofilament belts produce more noise, their lifespan is better.


Belt durability is a convenient factor to enjoy the benefits of running or walking in your comfort zone. High-end belts use a stronger backing material, making them very durable but noisy. Alternatively, thinner belts absorb less heat and last longer.

Consider the material and thickness of the belt: 

Thicker belts with multiple layers are generally more durable, shock-absorbent, and ideal for intense workouts. Alternatively, thinner belts are suitable for light to moderate usage. 

But, the extra weight of the belt can negatively affect the stability of your treadmill motor. So, if you need a belt for heavy use, a 4-ply belt may be a better choice if your treadmill can handle it.

Verify compatibility:

You should remember that the replacement belt must be compatible with your particular treadmill model. Before making a final decision, check your user manual copy or contact their customer support. 

Research and Compare Brands: 

Along with the above points, you should research and compare replacement treadmill belt options. Look for reputable brands to get an idea of their quality and durability.

Furthermore, take a look at customer feedback and rankings of different brands. Besides that, you can also browse treadmill enthusiast forums or social media groups to gather personal experiences and recommendations.


How to Properly maintained the treadmill belts:


Proper maintenance of the treadmill belt is essential for its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some tips on how to care for your treadmill belt:


  1. Keep it clean: 

  • Regularly clean the treadmill belt to remove dirt, dust, and sweat. 
  • Use a mild detergent and water solution to wipe down the surface of the belt. 
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage the material.
  1. Lubricate regularly: 

  • Lubricating the treadmill belt is essential to reduce friction and prevent wear. 
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how often to lubricate your treadmill model. 
  • Use a silicone-based lubricant recommended by the manufacturer, applying it evenly across the width of the belt.
  1. Check for proper tension: 

  • The treadmill belt should be tensioned appropriately to ensure smooth and even movement. 
  • Refer to the owner’s manual for instructions on adjusting the tension. A loose or too-tight belt can cause slipping or excessive wear.
  1. Inspect for damage: 

  • Regularly inspect the treadmill belt for any signs of damage, such as fraying, cracking, or tears. 
  • If you notice any damage, you must replace the belt immediately to prevent further issues and potential injuries.
  1. Avoid excessive weight:

  • Be mindful of the weight limit specified by the manufacturer for your treadmill. 
  • Excessive weight can strain the belt and motor, leading to premature wear and damage.
  1. Use proper footwear: 

  • Always wear appropriate and supportive footwear when using the treadmill. This helps to protect the belt from excessive wear and tear and ensures a comfortable and safe workout experience.


In conclusion:

Understanding the different types of treadmill belts available can help you decide based on your specific needs and preferences. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned athlete, recovering from an injury, looking to improve running performance, or seeking weight loss, a treadmill belt is designed to cater to your needs. Consider your health condition and fitness goals when selecting a treadmill belt to ensure a safe and effective workout experience.



Which type of treadmill belt is best for me?

The best type of treadmill belt for you depends on your preferences and needs. 

  • If you prioritize durability and low maintenance, a silicone belt may be your best option. 
  • A fabric belt might be more suitable if you have joint issues or value a more cushioned surface. 
  • PVC belts are often found in commercial treadmills and provide good grip but may require regular lubrication and can be noisy. 

Consider your exercise goals, comfort level, and maintenance preferences when choosing the right treadmill belt.

How often should I lubricate my treadmill belt?

The frequency of lubrication depends on the type of treadmill belt you have. 

  • PVC belts typically require more frequent lubrication, about every 6 to 8 weeks or after every 40 hours of use. 
  • Fabric and silicone belts may require less regular lubrication, ranging from every 3 to 6 months or after every 100-150 hours of use. 
  • It is important to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific recommendations on lubrication.

How do I choose the right treadmill belt?

The decision on which treadmill belt is best for you ultimately depends on your preferences and needs. It’s essential to consider factors such as durability, maintenance requirements, grip, cushioning, and noise levels.

  • A silicone treadmill belt may be the ideal choice if you prioritize durability and low maintenance. These belts are known for their long-lasting nature and require minimal lubrication. They provide a smooth and quiet running experience. However, they may offer less cushioning than fabric belts.
  • On the other hand, if you have joint issues or value a more cushioned surface, a fabric treadmill belt might be more suitable for you. Fabric belts offer a cushioned surface that is gentle on joints, making them ideal for users with joint issues or those who prefer a softer running experience.
  • If grip is your priority, PVC treadmill belts are often found in commercial treadmills and provide good traction. However, they may require regular lubrication and can be noisy during use.

Consider your exercise goals, comfort level, and maintenance preferences when choosing the right treadmill belt. It’s also helpful to read reviews and seek recommendations from experts or other users who have experience with different types of treadmill belts.

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